
March 16, 2012

Filezilla and the Dreaded “ftpcontrolsocket.cpp” Hang

Filezilla is great tool for any web service provider, but we have on more than one occasion been bit with a rather annoying error that stops our entire transfer process forcing us to close and re-open the tool.

You’ll usually get something like:
Status: ftpcontrolsocket.cpp(1750): Waiting for replies to skip before sending next command…

Turns out its a pretty easy fix, one that didn’t dawn on us until we read a few forum posts of people having the same issue. The error is basically a thread in the program waiting for some reply back from the FTP server, before continuing onward. By default, Filezilla is setup to wait forever (not sure why), instead of a reasonable timeout period.

To correct go into “Edit->Settings”.
Change “Timeout In Seconds” to be something like 120 or so.

Voila, that killed the older threads and restarted our transfers without having to close and re-open FileZilla.